You know that uncomfortable feeling of…
‘What on earth am I meant to do with my life?!'
Or that feeling when you suddenly realise you have no idea who you really are, let alone what you want?
Or the frustration of knowing you have something amazing within you, but you have no idea what it is, or how to figure it out?
Yup, been there.
It’s frustrating. And a little scary - time is not slowing down! And it’s hard to figure out on your own. Especially if, on the outside looking in, things seem to be great.
You feel guilty for feeling unsatisfied, because 'what more could you want?!'
Well, to start with: you want clarity.
Clarity on who you are as a person and what you truly want out of life. What your purpose is. What your impact on the world will be.
You want confidence. You want to be able to share your ideas, dreams, thoughts and projects, and be able to let go of what other people may think of you.
You want a solid plan! You want to know where you’re going in life, and how you’re going to get there. You want to take all the goals and achievements you’ve wished for and actually make them happen.
You want to learn and grow. You want to dive into your personal growth and development and become the person you know you could be.
You want to be supported and understood.You’re smart, capable and determined - you certainly don’t need someone to hold your hand. But it would be amazing to have a bit of guidance, inspiration, motivation, accountability and support to keep you on track along the way.
You want to be around positive, motivated people who are on the same vibe as you. You want to be around people who get how you feel, and get what you’re trying to do (and why).

Knowing what your purpose is completely changes how you go through life.
You become clear on who you are and what you’re here to do. You know what you want out of life. You understand what really matters, and you recognise the impact you have on the world.
You feel confident in making decisions; knowing which opportunities to jump on, which to let go of and what steps to take next.
You feel empowered, fulfilled and like you are genuinely making a difference in the world (which, of course, you are).
This is the space you've been looking for.

This is a space where…
You can re-discover who you are.
Your personal growth and development is supported and nurtured.
Your ideas and dreams can come to life in an actionable, practical way.
You're part of a kind community of people who truly get you.
Your highest potential becomes achievable and within reach.

Our philosophy is that:
We all have a purpose, something we are meant to do.
To 'know thyself' is one of the most important journeys we can take.
When we learn to get out of our own way, our potential is limitless.
It’s never too late to figure this out.
What’s included:
The brief version:
A deep dive into a monthly topic with video training and a workbook
An accompanying guided meditation track
Journal and question prompts
On call coaching and support whenever you need it
Monthly challenges with prizes
Access to the online community
Check-ins, prompts, and soulful conversations
Monthly live group coaching sessions
Quarterly 90 day planning sessions
A members only coaching app to keep you focused and on track with your goals
Exclusive workshops and extra trainings
The Find Your Purpose eBook (free!)
The first module is: Understanding the 'Selfs' - self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-belief.

“I’ve struggled nearly my whole life with my purpose, who I am, who I’m supposed to be. I’ve been working towards a greater goal for myself and life. The inspirations and guidance here are truly amazing.”
The Life on Purpose membership is perfect for you if:
You’re motivated and ready to focus on your personal growth.
You want to be a part of a community of like minded people who actually get you.
You love the idea of a mix of self-paced learning with daily access and support.
You want accountability and motivation to stay on track.
You want to step up, take charge of your life and make positive changes.
You want to live from the highest place you possibly can.
You have so much potential, and my job is to help you tap into that and bring it out.

How the membership works:
Here is what's included, and how it works:
1. Monthly trainings on topics like:
Reframing your subconscious mind with beliefs about money, identity, relationships, and general life.
Creating and breaking habits (and how to make those changes stick).
Bringing your purpose to life through your career, business, side project or in day to day life.
Increasing the 'selfs': self-worth, self-belief, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Creating a life plan that you can work toward right away.
Dealing with fear, balancing and processing emotions.
Cultivating happiness, gratitude, inner peace and a positive mindset.
And so much more!
Each month you’ll receive a deep dive into one of these topics. It will be easy to digest, actionable and packed with value.
You can work through the content at your own pace, and the best part is that you can go through it in the way that suits you - in a workbook, video training, audio or long form article. So, you can listen to it while you’re cooking dinner or driving, read it through before bed, or you can sit down with the video and work through the book. It’s all up to you!
2. A monthly meditation relating to each topic. This is perfect for letting the teachings of each month really sink in. You’ll get a day and night version of each meditation, so you can listen to it before bed or at anytime during the day.
3. Journal/meditation prompts. Again, these are related to each topic. These prompts ensure that you’re really exploring what effect this has on your life, what challenges or blocks you may have, and most importantly, how to overcome them.
4. The online community. How amazing would it be to be part of a group of people who really get you, can relate, are motivated, kind, passionate, inspiring and supportive? That’s what our community is. This is where you can ask questions, bounce ideas around and share stories. We’re all here to support each other! This will be hosted in a private, members only Facebook group.
5. On call coaching. I'm here to help you anytime you're feeling stuck or need to bounce some ideas around. You'll also find lots of support in the group.
6. Monthly mini challenges and prizes! Share what you're working on, and each month I’ll draw someone out to receive a hand picked package and letter in the mail and a 1:1 coaching session :)
7. Monthly live coaching sessions. We'll go over anything you need guidance on.
8. Quarterly planning sessions. We'll plan out the next 90 days and review the last quarter. This is a great way to stay accountable and on track.
9. A members only coaching app. You can use this to track your daily habits and goals, and chat with me directly. You can send through any questions you have through the app, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. A great tool for accountability!
10. Exclusive workshops and trainings. You’ll also get access to past workshops - the Find Your Purpose workshop is a great place to start.
11. The Find Your Purpose eBook free. You can get started on your purpose right away, and ask any and all questions in the group. I can give you feedback and help articulate what your purpose is.
12. Me cheering you on! We'll be able to connect much more in the group. I'll be there each day to answer any questions, help you work through any challenges, share ideas, give support - whatever you need.
My purpose in life is to help you find and live yours. I’m wholly committed to this, and that’s why I get the feedback that I do; that this has changed people’s lives.
So, if you’re serious about your growth and transformation, this is where you’ll want to be.
“After going through all her free resources, I knew that I wanted Misty as my mentor. Signing up for Life on Purpose has been one of the best investments I’ve made in myself.”

Start living Life on Purpose.
If you're ready to:
Re-discover who you are,
Dive into your personal growth and development,
Bring your ideas and dreams to life,
Join a supportive community of people who really get you,
and live your life on purpose, join the waitlist now.
See you soon!
Hi! I’m Misty
I'm a certified life coach, and my purpose in life is to help you find yours.
I’m here to guide you to your purpose and to help you navigate everything that goes with it - having clarity, feeling confident, and being focused and aligned with who you are and what you want in life.
Seen on
+ What if I fall behind?
I get that we all have things in life that take our attention from time to time. You can catch up whenever you need to - the modules will still be there for you.
If you find yourself falling behind by a few months or more, this would be an example of falling back into old patterns. So, this would be the perfect time to reach out for help in getting back on track!
+ When will the calls be?
A schedule of the calls will be posted in the group, and right now they will be on Saturdays at 10am, New Zealand time, which is Friday afternoon in the US.
However, I’m mindful that we have people from all around the world in different timezones, so we alternate times to accommodate as many people as possible.
+ How do I send you a question?
You can either email your question through or post it within the group.
We also have a link to submit questions privately, and they will be answered within the group (but kept anonymous). I encourage you to ask questions for a few reasons:
It helps you (obviously!)
It helps others - it’s likely that other people are wondering the same thing.
And it helps me to see where to expand content and understand what would help you best.
Ask as many questions as you need to - I'm here for you!
+ What if I don't have Facebook?
You'll still have full access to the monthly topic and content, workbook, meditation and prompts. But you will miss the community component, which would be a shame!
You can always set up a profile just for this group without using the rest of Facebook. That way you'll still be involved with the whole community :)
+ Does it matter where I live, what I do, or how old I am?
Not at all! Some are from the US, the UK, Canada, India, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Nigeria, Australia, Russia...all over.
And you're students, mums, business owners, employees, retirees, separated, married, young, older (but young at heart :) ) and everything in between.
The common thread between you is that you're kind, motivated, determined, smart, intuitive, open to new ideas, love learning and want a bit of guidance and support as you find your way and your purpose in life.
And I love having you here.
+ Can I cancel at any time?
Of course! If you decide the membership isn't for you, you can cancel easily in your dashboard. No hard feelings.
+ Is this just for business owners?
No, not at all! There are some business owners in the group, and others working toward that, but there are also employees, students, parents and people who work within their community and everything between.
What you learn in Life on Purpose will be so useful for you within your business, but it’s applicable in all areas of your life.
What you’re really learning is self-mastery, and this applies to everyone - whether you’re a business owner, employee, parent, a student or leader within your community.
+ Can I pay annually?
Yes! And you can get a 10% discount for doing so :)
+ How much time will I need to commit?
It will take you around an hour each month to go through the module and workbook - a little longer with bonus content. The time spent applying the content varies, depending on how much growth is needed in that area. But you'll find this happens naturally in your day to day life rather than having to set aside time to apply it.
How much you interact in the daily conversations and chats is completely up to you. However, the more you put in, the more value you will get out. As we’ve covered, staying in the content is so important.
Your vision and purpose needs to be top of mind, otherwise it’s likely that you’ll fall back into old patterns. And you’ll recognise this when you do! Being active in the group is an easy way to stay focused.
+ How much is the membership?
The price is just $27 USD per month - about the cost of a weekly coffee! And if you join now, the price will never increase for you.
If you lock in the price now, you'll only ever pay $27.